‘Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds’
Introduction –
Let me not to the marriage of true minds poem is a model of Shakespearean Sonnet, which is built up of three qudtrains and a final rhyming Complete. Shakespeare’s Sonnets are concerned with the basic theme of love. Friendship and Time. This describes times destructive power. He also defines the nature and permanence of love, if fabricated by True, is not love in the eyes of Shakespeare. There is no obstruction in the meeting of true souls.
The panimy wheels of time cannot change love or stops it. It is a Certainty that love remains till the day of Judgement or even goes ahead to help new Creation after the doom.
Summary :Let me not to the marriage of true minds
In the sonnet ‘Let Me Not to the marriage of True Minds’, Willam Shakespeare has expressed his own views regarding true love. This is the 116th Sonnet written by him. He says that if people are truely in love then nothing can stop them from being united in marriage. Love according to him is not true if it changes on finding another alternative. True love does not change with the passage of time. It is like a guiding star to the lovers. The physical beauty declines with the passage of time but true love remains steadfast till death as it is present in the heart of a person. In the concluding couplet Shakespeare says that if his views on true love is proved wrong then he would not have written on this subject and no man ever loved anyone in this earth.
Let me not to the marriage of true minds in hindi हिन्दी साराँश-
“सच्चे प्रेमियों के मिलन में कुछ भी बाधक नहीं’ नामक सॉनेट में विलियम शेक्सपियर ने ‘सच्चे प्रेम’ विषय पर अपने निजी विचार प्रकट किये हैं। यह कवि द्वारा लिखित सॉनेटों में से 116 वां है। कवि का कथन है कि यदि प्रेमीजनों का प्यार सच्चा है तो उनके मिलने में कोई भी तत्व बाधक नहीं हो सकता। कवि के अनुसार वह प्रेम सच्चा नहीं है जो किसी अन्य विकल्प को पाकर बदल जाय। सच्चा प्रेम समय की गति के साथ बदलता नहीं। वह प्रेमियों के लिए उनका मार्ग दिखाने वाला तारा है। शारीरिक सौन्दर्य तो काल की गति के साथ नाश को प्राप्त होता है परन्तु प्रेम प्रेमियों के हृदय में रहता है। अन्तिम युगल पंक्ति (दोहा) में शेक्सपियर कहता है कि यदि सच्चे प्रेम के विषय में उसकी उक्ति या उसके विचार गलत सिद्ध हो जाये तो समझिये कि उसने कविता लिखी ही नहीं (अर्थात वह अच्छा लेखक नहीं है) अथवा इस भूतल पर किसी ने प्रेम किया ही नहीं है।
Let me not…….impediments | May I never be forced to acknowledge that any obstacles can alter the spiritual union (marriage) of constant and faithful (true) minds. These whom God hath joined together : let no man put asunder’. |
love is not love | love that changes cannot be considered as true. |
alteration finds | discovers a loss of physical beauty in lover or beloved. |
bends with…….remove | turns away under the influence of alteration to change its true course. |
mark | sea-mark (like a great sea-mark, standing every flow) |
to every ….. bark | a guide to every vessel that is off its course, |
Whose worth …… taken | the true and potential influence of which (star) can never be fully understood by imperfect human beings, even though its heights can be reckoned. |
Love’s…..foot | Time will never be able to make a fool of true love. |
though rosy…..come | even though physical beauty may fall within the sway of time’s curved sickle. |
bears it out | endures bravely; ‘love endureth all things’ |
edge of doom | brink of death; Doomsday or the last judgment. |
If this be error | if the claim concerning the fidelity of true love should be mistaken. |
In even……loved | anything I have written is false, and no man ever truly loved. |
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