Poet-Writer अंग्रेजी / English

E V Lucas, CH was an English humorist, essayist, playwright, biographer, publisher, poet, novelist, short story writer and editor

E V Lucas, CH was an English humorist, essayist, playwright, biographer, publisher, poet, novelist, short story writer and editor
E V Lucas, CH was an English humorist, essayist, playwright, biographer, publisher, poet, novelist, short story writer and editor

अनुक्रम (Contents)

E V Lucas

Life and Works

E V Lucas, a journalist with a very wide range of learning was born in 1868. He died in 1933. He is known as an outstanding, editor of the works of Charle’s Lamb and the biographer of Lamb. His editions of the life and letters of Charles Lamb was the result of his life long sympathy and devoted research. It is to his credit that he made popular the love of Charles Lamb in the 20th century. Inspite of closeness, there are also dissimilarities between the two writers.

In the words of A. C Ward, “The robust urbanity and sophistication of Lucas made him unlike Lamb, who thought he knew, more about what books are worth reading than anyone living, wore all his knowledge with a deceptive air of innocence; he was “all for quietness not being seen and having his own thoughts and his own jokes.

The essays of Lucas deal mainly with character and comedy Old Lamps for New (1911), Loiterar’s Harvest Cloud and Silver (1916). His essays gained vast popularity. They are marked by fancy, literary articles
commonsense, lightness of touch, wit, ease, irony and humour. His humour, though generally kind and humane is harsh and savage in some essays. Such as, “Those Thirty Minutes in which he raised against those people who agonize their friends by seeing them off in railway journey.’

The salient features of his essays are urbanity, truthfulness of observation, and fancy. His thought has no superficiality, but his essays and fictions are written with his fancy and playful mind.

E V Lucas was a versatile writer. He was a compiler of numerous anthologies and penned a dozen novels. He published many travelogues and contributed to Punch and was its assistant editor in most successful days. He is also known as a reputed writer of light, conversational essays of which he has some thirty volumes to his credit.


E V Lucas : जीवन परिचय एवं कृतियाँ

E V Lucas का जन्म 1868 में हुआ था। वह एक विद्वान् पत्रकार था। उसकी मृत्यु 1933 में हुई। वह Charles Lamb के साहित्यिक कार्यों के सम्पादन के लिए प्रसिद्ध है तथा वह Lamb का आत्मकथा लेखक भी था। उसकाCharles Lamb के पत्रों एवं जीवन का सम्पादन उसकी Lamb के साथ जीवन पर्यन्त सहानुभूति एवं समर्पित रहने का परिणाम है। इस बात का श्रेय Lucas को जाता है कि उसने बीसीं शताब्दी में Lamb के प्रति प्रेम को लोकप्रिय बनाया। घनिष्ठता के वावजूद दोनों लेखकों के मध्य असमानताएँ भी थीं।

A C Wards के शब्दों में Lucas को स्वस्थ शहरीयत एवं नफासत ने उसे Lamb से भिन्न बना दिया था जो यह सोचता था कि वह इस बात को आपसे भली प्रकार जानता था कि कौन-सी पुस्तकें पढ़ने योग्य हैं। वह शान्ति के पक्ष में था तथा अधिक दिखायी देना नहीं चाहता था तथा उसके अपने मजाक थे।

Lucas ने मुख्यतया कॉमेडी पसन्द, चरित्र चित्रण करने वाले निबन्ध लिखे हैं : Old Lamps for New (1911), Loiterar’s Harvest Cloud and Silver (1916). उसके निबन्धों ने विस्तृत लोकप्रियता अर्जित की। कल्पना, साहित्य लेखक, सामान्य बुद्धि, Lightness of Wit, सरलता,व्यंग्य एवं विनोद आदि उसके निबन्धों में मुख्य लक्षण है। सामान्यतया उसका हास्य-विनोद विनम्र होता है परन्तु कहीं-कहीं तीखा एवं कर्कश भी हो जाता है।

उसके निबन्धों की अन्य विशेषताएँurbanity, अवलोकन की सत्यता एवं कल्पनाशीलता है। उसने विचारों में कोई बनावटीपन अथवा अनोखापन नहीं है। Lucas एक विद्वान् लेखक था। उसने विभिन्न anthologies का संकलन किया तथा एक दर्जन उपन्यास लिखे। उसने कई यात्रा से सम्बन्धित पुस्तकें लिखी तथा विभिन्न साहित्यिक प्रतिमानों का सफल सम्पादन किया। वह हल्के-फुल्के निबन्धों के लिए भी प्रसिद्ध है तथा उसको तीस Volumes निबन्धों के लिखने का श्रेय प्राप्त है।

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